Saturday, October 9, 2021

Singapore - To Do (08Oct21) Pulau Ubin

Singapore - To Stay
Singapore - To Eat
Singapore - To Do
Pulau Ubin
Overseas trip without quarantine or requirement for vaccination during the time of visit. Pulau Ubin has long been popular for the wildlife that resides there, as well as for tons of activities from cycling, camping and much more. This trip is a small fraction of the many activities to do in Pulau Ubin but covers briefly the main overarching points of getting there, getting around and back.

Getting There
Approximately 10mins journey
There's isn't a regular service per say but whenever the boat is filled to a max capacity of 12, then the skipper gives the all board signal to go across. The same works for the return. (If you want to move off with less than the 12 capacity, a differential charge of missing pax would be presumably charged. Negotiable with the skipper of the day)

Checking out other blogs, ticket charges were from $2, later $3 per head. During our visit, it was $4 per pax. For another party which brought their own bikes, that skipper charged them for the bicycles they brought on (counting as another pax)

On the island, there are a few ways to get around. Basically slow walks/hike, cycling which is the most common and popular, or an internal internal taxi service that charges different fixed rates to the various locations.

Renting Bicycles

(The most popular and common way to get around)
Prices are far and varied from shop to shop. We didn't ask each of them but would just like to share that they have kid friendly versions where child is able to pilion ride with comfort in a seat. (Either in front of the rider or behind). We rented from 45C Bicycle Rental.
We went for the ones where the child sat behind and rental fees for these newer ones were at $12 per bike for the whole day. The front seated ones were $8. 45C Bicycle Rental was very kind to care for our baby stroller till our return. 
Ubin has its beautiful nostalgia to simpler times. Most of the areas are accessible via paved roads and have decent amount of foliage to stay cool. There are some undulating terrain portions but a large majority of the terrain is flat which makes for leisurely riding.

This is but a small fraction of Ubin and would definitely return to explore more of what the huge island has to offer. Eateries as well as mini stalls selling food, snacks and other supplies are available. Stay hydrated and bring water if possible. We did not site any free water cooler top-up points and toilet water was labeled non portable.

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