Thursday, January 9, 2014

Frankfurt - To Buy (Rimowa, Chocolates, Watch)

Germany - Frankfurt To Stay

Frankfurt - To Buy
Rimowa Bag
*Rimowa pictured from internet.*

 *2 Pics above contributed from Victor Tan. Rimowa purchase anyone?*

Prices of Rimowa Bags are up to 30% discounted and on top of that, a partial or full VAT(19%) refund. Partial or full refunds depends on your preferred claiming process as listed below.
- Maritim Hotel provides complementary transport, to and fro airport.
- Bus Limited to 8pax max and departs daily at 1030hrs Local Time Everyday.- Notify preferable a day before to book your slot with the concierge.
*If slots run out, Maritim Hotel can arrange another transport at timings 1100hrs or 1115hrs.*

*VAT Claiming Process at Frankfurt International
*Pls email if the claiming process and details are inaccurate. Info was obtained from bits and pieces of info. Read at own discretion.

- On Departure at the airport, after checking in of luggage, en-route to immigration, arrive with your said item and receipt. *Item may or may not be needed to be presented. More often then not, a paid receipt would suffice.* Keep a look out for VAT counter.
You should be looking out for Global Blue Logo and counter. You get your Cash/Credit claims here.

- Your receipt needs to be chopped to be eligible for VAT back before you can proceed with Global Blue to begin the claiming process.

> Claim Option 1 Cash or Credit Partial Claim (NOT FULL VATT Back)
Cash claims its a closed and done deal settled there and then.
Credit card cash-back, you are beholden to the exchange rates of the bank or said institutes.
They will change from EURO ->USD -> SGD, thus loosing out on the exchange rate.

> Claim Option 2 Full Claim on next visit Go to said brand shop with receipt and obtain the full claim.

If your receipts have not been stamped, and/or counter before immigration is full, you may do the STAMPING and CLAIMING PROCESS after immigration. 
- After immigration, proceed toward B42, where before the Global Blue counter (beside casino), there is a small ally-way which you may proceed to have your receipts stamped.*apologies for lack of imagery*
- With stamped receipt in hand you can go through the claim options previously mentioned with Global Blue counter again.
Chocolates and Snacks
Giotto 1.99EURO , Hanuta 1.99EURO and Nutella largest glass bottle +3.25EURO*not pictured*
ABBA tip:
- Prices in the city was up by 0.55Euro for the chocolates
as compared to purchasing from The Village at Rewe.
- Pack a backpack along. In Europe, plastic bags are given at a nominal fee. 
Click here for ABBA location to The Village approx 1km away

David No 10
Supposedly the best deal for Rolex in town. This here is another ABBA joint where crew email their request before coming to make their purchase.
Global Tax- Refund Service
Tel:069/27 10 39 91
Click here for ABBA location of David No 10 Am Hauptbahnhof 10 (Ecke Kaiserstrasse) 60329 Frankfurt Am Main


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