ABBA I.T*updated 08Aug2012
*Please do a search to find the latest version available for Android/Apple Apps.
Know if the flights have been arriving on time and know where the aircraft has been!
- Track Flight by Number/Tail Number/Flight Route
- Get the latest SID/STAR charts. Have your entire flight route plotted. Additional info of frequencies, danger areas and much more with JEPPFD. Charts are constantly kept up to date.
Add (BTSTACK from Cydia & an external bluetooth GPS device)
- Have a moving map in the air!
Snowtam provides pilots with the following useful collection of tools
for cold weather conditions:
SNOWTAM decoder, MOTNE decoder and a cold
temperature correction tool.
How to get LIDO flight plan on your iPAD?*only for Jailbroken users*
Step1:Through Cydia, download "Safari Download Manager" and "iFiles"
Step 1a: In Cydia, you can search and add additional sources which allow for free installations
Step 2: When viewing your CFP, a pop-up message will appear. You can from there select where your file is downloaded to.
Step 3: In iFiles, you can rename your files to "______.pdf".From there, you can select and choose >Open In>Good Reader.
This app not only gives you the longest runway available, but at a quick glance, the ATIS, METAR/TAF as well as airport elevation. Even VOLMET.
List down all the airports enroute and get the latest weather en-route.
Want to know where the aircraft is parked, arrival and departure of A/C. Easiest app to use so far.
Basic communication phrases, essentials to flirtatious. Good fun with
Audio play back to learn a language or converse with another
- Offline map viewing for cities. Works well with your inbuilt GPS on phone/tablets.
- Vector based maps keeps files small. The added paid feature of Wiki Plus for offline viewing allows for your own travel guide about places of interests and eating locations.
ABBATip: For Jailkbroken users:
- Download Citymaps2go and Wikipanion Plus Separately
- Under Cydia, download IAP.*Note There is no icon for this. It runs in the background*
- In Citimaps2go, click purchase Wikiplus. It should immediately go to download the files without calling out your AppleID and password.
- Gives dead reckoning positioning even in tunnels. It uses your last known position and speed and continues to give directions even with no GPS signal in tunnels.
- 2D/3D view. As you slow down, the map zooms in to see a specific turn off that maybe coming. The Faster you travel, a greater overall view to look ahead.
Canon Sg Lens: Free at Apple iTunes
Excellent App to see the practical differences in camera settings and the results it gives. A handy tool for new photographer enthusiast as well as seasoned ones to see the latest products available.
Really capture the location with this app. A full 360 environmental view of the place. Augmented reality.
- Very smart software where it the system reconstructs several pictures
and combine them to make it into a larger picture or panoramic one.
This is a great working platform. Allows you to save and email either as a word document, pdf or as a pages format. Powerful tool for active writers or work on the go.
Good reader
Excellent Utility to read all your magazines, or online articles. You can transfer via ITUNES>Apps (Method is same as how VLC transfers videos. Scroll below to see.
Add files accordingly or by mapping a network drive.
A helpful free app allowing you to add notes and have tags for easy retrieval.
Checklist Apps
Get any Checklist APP. Its a very helpful tool to make sure you don't leave anything behind at the hotel that you maybe staying at. Plenty of good free ones are available online.
- Weather forecast. Nice interface to see weather over the next few days. Excellent for planning your outings.
- Find out the best exchange rates with up to 10years of currency history.
VLC Player
- Load and view all of your shows without having to convert them.Follow these easy steps to soon being able to watch almost any video online!