Friday, May 24, 2024

Singapore - To Do 22May24 (Kusu Island)

Singapore - To Stay
Singapore - To Eat
Singapore - To Do

Kusu Island
Getting to Kusu Island
Basically there are two operators from what we saw. 

You may also be interested in The Maritime Museum (click to find out more) which is also located at Marina South Pier.
- Public Parking at the jetty itself is very limited. Better to park else where and train to Marina South Pier. The train station and Pier are located in the same area.
- Prices vary from online to buying at the vendor. SGD10-16 bucks ranging. (Seems there's even room for negotiation.)
- There doesn't seem to be a quota on tickets and the first boat went out at 9am. We purchased on a public holiday 20mins before first departure.
- 90% of the passengers get off at the much larger Saint John's island before hitting Kusu island.

*Enjoying the boat ride to Kusu*

*Great views of various ships along the way*
Kusu Island is special for its sacred sites, including a Chinese temple and Malay shrines, which attract pilgrims seeking blessings, making it a popular spot for both spiritual and leisure visits.
*Da Bogong Temple (The Merchant God)*
*Turtle Sanctuary*
*The Kusu Kramats - At the top of a small 152steps stand three
Kramats or holy Shrine of the Malay saints.*
Available on the island are a toilet and outdoor shower facilities. Pretty much, its a slice of island life, to space to enjoy the quiet, a little exploration and small time hiking. The island is very much smaller as compared to the Saint John.

*Easy to walk with large rock formations and iconic Singapore skyline in the background.*
Two hours was sufficient timing (pretty much when you get off till the next boat arrives) to just enjoy the island with a view of Singapore in the backdrop and beautiful waters. Loads of little sheltered huts were provided for perfect picnic enclaves and a much enjoyable and quaint experience.
Its the journey not the destination. Getting to see the huge ships around Singapore's coast. A great half day out experience. 9am boat out and 12.15pm boat back after a leisurely lunch. Will check out St John's some other time.

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