Thursday, January 26, 2017

London - To Do 25Jan2017 (Imperial War Museum)

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London - To Do
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Imperial War Museum 
located 1.3km walk from the Big Ben andin between Lambeth North and Elephant and Castle stations 

The imperial war Museum isn't as large as expected but they definitely manged to squeeze in a fair amount of hardware in the four storied building. Free WIFI within.

 (L) V2 Rocket (C) Harrier (R) Piece of the Berlin wall
Like many of London's free to enter museums, their setup is most impressive. The iconic Spitfire and Harrier greets one in the main hall and there's a lovely cafe in the basement.
Their displays are overall very comprehensive and the lower floors have fairly advanced interactive tech in place and audio visual presentation. 

Not the largest display and collection of war machines, but a comprehensive one. The top floor which covers the holocaust and Auschwitz concentration camp with personal audio/video accounts of survivors is particularly grim. That part of history is represented and strikes a chord with visitors. Combined with an actual visit to any of these camps, really sends a chill. Click here for Dachau review in Munich

The Imperial War Museum is good for a 3-4hour visit, with choice pieces to tie in the displays. A decent spread for the war periods and historical moments with creative walk troughs. Worth a small de-tour if along Westminster


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